
  • Please give at least 24-hour notice if you need to cancel your appointment. If an emergency comes up that doesn’t allow 24-hour notice, contact me as soon as you can. If last minute cancellations happen more than once, I reserve the right to enforce a cancellation fee of 1/2 the amount of your scheduled session.

  • All massage therapy sessions are professional and therapeutic. There is absolutely nothing sexual or romantic in nature about such a session. If your behavior does not respect that, a warning will be given, if I feel comfortable doing so, before the session will continue. If I am not comfortable continuing the session or inappropriate behavior continues, the session will be terminated immediately and full payment will be required.

Intake form

For first-time clients ONLY. This form needs to be filled out after your appointment is booked and prior to your first session. Please provide all information as requested. This information is needed to ensure that you have a quality and safe massage therapy session. If the form isn’t filled out fully, your session may be cancelled.